Victor’s Blessing by Barbara Sontheimer

Victor's Blessing

Victor’s Blessing by Barbara Sontheimer

Release: November 15, 2022
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Atmosphere Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle



In the fragile balance of life, there is one birth, one death, one time to tell those you love a final farewell…

Victor Gant’s life is abundant with blessings.  Although his mother was an Osage Indian slave, he is a valuable member of the French and German community of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.  As the town blacksmith he makes a proper living for himself and beloved sister.  All Victor’s dreams come true when he marries the only woman that had ever caught his eye.

But blessings can be fleeting.  When the Civil War erupts in 1861, Victor will have to make choices.  Torn between doing what’s best for his family or following his conscience, between keeping promises or following his heart…to finally bestowing an agonizing blessing of his own.

Victor’s Blessing is a journey from the patent offices of Washington, D.C. to the battle of Wilderness to the infamous Andersonville prison, where in order for Victor to keep one promise, another must be broken.

About the Author:

Barbara Sontheimer has a B.A. from a little college in the bootheel of Missouri and spent 15 years researching and writing Victor’s Blessing while raising 3 children.  A fascination with the everyday life of the people not battles was the driving force. One of her greatest hopes for her novel is that someone turns out the light a bit too late on a work night, or (like she did) occasionally hid from her kids in the laundry room to finish a chapter.  Barbara is married and lives in Lake Ozark, Missouri.


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Victor’s Blessing Review:

“Victor’s Blessing” is a beautiful historical romance drama that will touch your heart.

I was skeptical about picking up this book because of its sheer size. The length is twice the average book, and I hoped the story would retain my interest. The story immediately drew me in with its drama between the three main characters, Ethan, Celena, and Victor. There is so much between these three, and I could not put it down! I was curious to see how their relationships transpired over the events they encountered, whether in business or War.

While the book title says Victor, Ethan was the person who connected to me. Ethan is, in some ways, the most complex character I have read as of late because my feelings for him fluctuated so much. Sometimes, I despised him for his relationship with Penelope, but at other times, my heart went out to him for not having the one person he desired. While I read the tale, I wondered if his friendship with Victor would stay strong. However, my favorite character in the story was Penelope. I adored all her hardships, particularly with Abigail and Ethan, and was rooting for her throughout. Even though she appears only for a portion of the story, she significantly impacted me. The author also addressed her mental health issues realistically, and some scenes shocked me, like the burning of her clothes.

The author also touches on key moments of history, like the Camp Jackson affair and the incidents of the Civil War, and blends them into the plot. Even the supporting cast, like Laurence, Yvonne, and Carlene, was memorable (I thought Carlene’s complaints about Mason were hilarious).

Overall, “Victor’s Blessing” is a touching historical drama that will make you fall in love with its characters.

Tour Schedule:

Victor's Blessing

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Victor’s Blessing by Barbara Sontheimer Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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