Waxwing Creek by J.J. Walker

Waxwing creekWaxwing Creek by J.J. Walker

Release: July 25, 2024

Format: Ebook
Publisher: After Dusk Pres
Source: NetGalley
Find it at: Amazon , GoodReads


Built on the ruins of a house where a family was found murdered, Waxwing Creek’s legacy began with blood. From that moment, the motel has defined the town of Hunt, haunting owners, guests, and those who call it home.

With tales about a woman betting on bingo to save her life, a brother looking for justice in Hunt’s dark and brutal underbelly, and a man calling on the supernatural to reunite lovers, Waxwing Creek is a collection of interconnected horror stories that uncover the motel’s most disturbing encounters.

They’re stories that examine desperation, morality, and what happens when people try to change something that should be left alone.

About the Author:

J.J. Walker is a horror author who loves writing unsettling stories about small towns, old houses, and characters that examine what it means to be human.

Originally from the UK, he currently calls Canada home.

Website | Goodreads

Waxwing Creek Review:

Waxwing Creek by J.J. Walker is a fascinating collection of horror stories between 1989 and 2023. Each chapter can be read as a standalone, but it’s worth reading from start to finish for the whole experience. Every chapter has a different vibe, which keeps the book exciting and fresh.

The themes also vary between chapters, which makes you feel various emotions. For example, Trey’s storyline dives into revenge, which is intense, and you wonder how far he would go with his plan. But my favorite has to be Henry’s storyline. Seeing how everything plays out and how the author builds the intensity when Henry meets Roger is incredibly satisfying. Phoebe and Lena’s story is another gem that really stood out. On the flip side, Deborah’s chapter didn’t quite hit the mark for me—it felt like the weakest link in an otherwise strong collection.

Moreover, one of the best things about the book is that it’s short enough to read in one sitting. The plot stays tight and focused without any unnecessary fluff. Walker’s writing creates an atmospheric, creepy vibe, perfect for a ghost story. But what really sets this book apart is its more profound message. As the author mentions, while there are ghosts, the scariest part often comes from the evil in people and their motives. This makes the book not just spooky but also thought-provoking.

In a nutshell, Waxwing Creek is a short, impactful read that’s perfect for a quick but memorable dive into the eerie and unsettling. Each story offers something different, and the book as a whole leaves a lasting impression. Definitely give it a read!

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