When I last saw you by Bette Lee Crosby

When I last saw you

When I last saw you by Bette Lee Crosby

Release: May 4th 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bent Pine Publishing
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N, Bookshop.org



GEORGIA, 1968 – Margaret Rose McCutcheon has just buried her husband and must now name a beneficiary for their estate in case of her demise. She has no choice because there is no one. No children. No family. At least none to speak of. At one time, she had two sisters and six brothers, but the lot of them spread across winds, with no one knowing where the others went. In the hope of finding at least one of her siblings, Margaret hires a detective and sets off on a journey to uncover the truth of why the family broke apart as it did.

WEST VIRGINIA, 1901 – When Eliza Hobbs gives birth to her sixth child, her husband is not there to welcome his daughter into the world. No surprise, because Martin is seldom there. He works in Charleston and returns to Coal Creek only when he has a mind to. Yes, he sends money on occasion, but seldom enough to make ends meet. Although Eliza believes each new child a blessing, he sees them as yet another responsibility on his already overloaded shoulders. When he discovers another child is on the way, he demands she get rid of it. he stops returning home and there is no more money.

Left with the children, a mountainside patch of land, and a house in sorry need of repair, Eliza seeks help and turns to someone powerful enough to hold sway over Martin and force him into providing for his family. Pushed to the brink, Martin does something unforgivable and thus tearing apart the family forever.

About the Author:

Bette Lee Crosby is the USA Today bestselling author of twenty-four novels, including The Twelfth Child and the Wyattsville series. She has been the recipient of the Reader’s Favorite Gold Medal, Reviewer’s Choice Award, FPA President’s Book Award and International Book Award, among many others. Huffington Post named her 2016 novel, Baby Girl, as the Best Chick Lit of the Year by . Her 2018 novel The Summer of New Beginnings, took First Place in the Royal Palm Literary Award for Women’s Fiction and was a runner-up for book of the year. Also, her novel, Emily, Gone is the winner of three literary Gold Medals, and the Benjamin Franklin Award. Her newest release When I Last Saw You is a historical saga based on a true story.

Crosby is a wife, mama, grandma and dog lover who specializes in heartwarming family fiction. She credits her mom for giving her such a love of Southern storytelling and laughingly admits to being a night owl and a workaholic. Her guilty pleasures are iced latte, chocolate, and late-night chats with fans and friends on Facebook.

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When I last saw you Review:

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“When I Last Saw You” is the kind of historical novel that I devour as it is a story of generations, a family saga, and heartfelt moments.

This book is the first one that I read by the author, but it definitely would not be the last. The plot was so  engrossing  from the first page that I could not put it down. The author weaves the story beautifully as we get two parallel storylines, one of Margaret and the other of Eliza. Moreover, what’s interesting is the timelines between the two plots. Usually, in novels with parallel stories, one takes place in the present. In this book, both stories take place in the past. One takes place in the 60s and the other in the early 1900s. I loved how the author brought scenes to life in them both.

I loved both Margaret and Eliza, but Eliza held a special place for me. My heart went out to her for the way she had to deal with Martin and his violence. Martin is one of those characters you despise for the way he treats Eliza. Similarly, I cherished the friendship between Eliza and Caldonia and thought Caldonia was a true friend. Eliza has a special bond with all her children as well, and I adored the sense of togetherness that the author embedded to connect them.

Likewise, even Margaret’s tale was lovely as she goes on a journey with Tom to reunite with her family members. It was interesting to see how they try to get information in an era with no digital information to trace people easily. This book was beautiful that I could not put down.

Overall, “When I Last Saw You” is a memorable historical fiction that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

Book Tour Schedule:

When I last saw you

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the When I last saw you by Bette Lee Crosby Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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