When Robins Appear by Densie Webb

When Robins Appear

When Robins Appear by Densie Webb

Release: October 20th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing
Source: Suzy approved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



With a lucrative freelance career and a loving family, Deborah Earle has a life many women would envy. But her daughter, Amanda, is heading to college soon, and Deborah worries about having an empty nest. She thinks another child might be the answer. Her husband, Richard, however, may not be willing to start over so late in life.

Amanda is excited about attending NYU next year, but she meets Graham, a handsome older boy, falls hard and considers postponing her education to stay close to him. Her mother takes an instant dislike to Graham, but Amanda refuses to let her keep them apart.

As Deborah watches her daughter rush headlong toward heartache on an all-too-familiar path, the secrets lurking in Deborah’s past continue to echo in her present. When tragedy strikes, Deborah faces a future she could never have imagined.

About the Author:

Densie Webb (not Denise) has spent a long career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor, specializing in health and nutrition, and has published several books on the topic. She grew up in Louisiana, spent 13 years in New York City, and settled in Austin, TX, where it’s summer nine months out of the year. Densie is an avid walker (not of the dead variety, though she adores zombies, vampires, and apocalyptic stories), drinks too much coffee, and has a small “devil dog” that keeps her on her toes. She has arrested development in musical tastes, and her two grown children provide her with musical recommendations regularly.

The fiction bug bit her several years ago, and she now has three published novels. The first, romantic suspense, titled “You’ll Be Thinking of Me,” was published with Soul Mate Publishing in 2015 and was a finalist in the Colorado Romance Writers 2016 Award of Excellence. Her second novel, a paranormal romance titled “Le Rémede” was published with Wild Rose Press in 2018. Her third novel and her women’s fiction debut, “When Robins Appear,” is slated to be published October 20, 2020, with Red Adept Publishing.

Densie’s flash fiction submission, titled “The Prank,” was a runner in the Women on Writing Fall 2019 Flash Fiction contest. She also had her essay, “Boob Job Regrets: In appreciation of Your Previously Small Chest,” included in an anthology compiled by author Randy Susan Meyers, titled “Women Under Scrutiny: An Anthology of Truths, Essays, Poems, Stories & Art.” All proceeds from the anthology go to Rosie’s Place in Boston, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women. www.densiewebb.com

She is currently working on novel #4.

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When Robins Appear Review:

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You read some stories that make you retrospect and value how important each moment of your life is. They remind you that life is short, and you have to savor each moment and try to make the most of it. I took away from “When Robins Appear” how to cherish your loved ones’ time because nothing in life is permanent. Even if you have a typical day with family and friends, which you feel uneventful, savor it because you might not always get that moment back.

Anyway, coming back to the story, this was an inspirational and lovely book to read. I liked how the author switches the perspective between Amanda and Deb. You understand the perspective of both women and how trapped they feel in their way. Amanda wants her family to accept Graham and is envious of his parents. At the same time, Deb wants another child to fill her empty nest once Amanda moves away.

There are some interesting subplots, like Jack’s attack on Amanda and Rocket and Karin. I also loved Deb’s relationship with Merritt and their meaningful conversations. However, while I loved the theme of the story, I felt that it staggered in the middle. The pacing slows down a bit as Deb and Amanda continue to ponder over their problems.

But, the story picks up again towards the end, and BAM! The ending shook me! What was that? I did not see that coming! I still have goosebumps over how the story ended. Many things happen in the last few that shock you and made me speechless!

Overall, “When Robins Appear” is one of those stories with a simple plot but has a very compelling message that makes you emotional once you read it.

Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the When Robins Appear by Densie Webb Blog Tour hosted by Suzy approved Book Tours

Dani Reads Nov. 16th  
 Noor The Bookworm Nov. 16th
Cassie’s Book Reviews Nov. 17th  
Books Are Magic Too Nov. 18th  
Biblio Reviews Nov. 18th
Book N Cats N Coffee Nov. 18th  
Reading Girl Reviews  Nov. 19th
Bookaholic Cafe Nov. 20th
Lindas Book Obsession Nov. 20th  
Well, Read Traveler Nov. 20th  
Idaho Girl Reads Nov. 21st
Cover 2 Cover Cafe Nov. 24th
Reading With Caffeine Nov. 30th  
Rajiv’s Reviews Dec. 8th  
Coffee Dogs Books Dec. 15th
Eli Loves Books 16 Dec. 17th  
DB Reads  Dec. 18th
Niks Nook Dec. 27th
Sealed With A Book Jan. 8th  

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