Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis

Wicked Little Deeds

Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis

Release: August 24th 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Dial Books
Source: Thewritereads
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Kindle, Audible



From its creepy town mascot to the story of its cursed waterfall, Burden Falls is a small town dripping with superstition. Ava Thorn knows this well – since the horrific accident she witnessed a year ago, she’s been having nightmares.

But when someone brutally murders close to her  and Ava is the primary suspect, she starts to wonder if the legends surrounding the town are more fact than fiction.

Whatever secrets Burden Falls is hiding, there’s a killer on the loose, and they have a vendetta against the Thorns..

About the Author:

Kat is a young adult author from North Wales. Her novels HARROW LAKE, BLACKFIN SKY, BREAKER, and PURGE are available now in the UK and US. Also, her novella THE TWINS OF BLACKFIN features in the collection THREE STRIKES from Firefly Press. Her next novel, BURDEN FALLS, will be published in Summer 2021 by Penguin Random House Children’s.

When she’s not writing, Kat can usually be found adventuring in ruined castles and cemeteries, taking photos of weird and creepy things to inspire her writing.

You can follow Kat on twitter @el_kat, on instagram @katelliswrites, or visit her website: katelliswrites.com or facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KatEllisWrites.

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Wicked Little Deeds Review:

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“Wicked Little Deeds” was excellent. It has the perfect YA suspense novel with a touch of a gothic, supernatural murder mystery.

To begin with, I have to commend the author for writing the story so creatively. The author spins the tale in such a crafty manner that you don’t know what will happen. There are so many twists and turns where you cannot predict the story. Also, people who you would never think of being killed end up with shocking deaths one after the other. The author makes you think if a supernatural force causes the murders or if someone is behind them. Furthermore, I am not giving any spoilers, but the ending completely threw me off and shocked me. I love when stories come up and surprise me in the end, and this book delivers this flawlessly.

The author also wrote the characters nicely. I liked Ava in the lead and the various emotions she has to deal with when the murders occur. It’s not easy for her because the detectives also find her the prime suspect. There are some creepy characters like Hamish and Liam who make the story even eerier. However, I also liked characters like Ford, Dominic, and Freya. Each of them makes the story exciting with the way they respond to Ava. On a side note, I also enjoyed Dead Eyed Sadie’s background storyline and wondered how that connected with Ava. The author also adds some nice YA romance into the mix, although I will not spoil it by mentioning who Ava gets romantic with.

Overall, I loved reading “Wicked Little Deeds” and felt it was one of the best Young Adult Horror thrillers of this year.


Book Tour Schedule

Wicked Little Deeds

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis Blog Tour hosted by Thewritereads.

10th August 

11th August

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