Wild Shadow by Martha Dunlop

 Wild Shadow

 Wild Shadow: A Sweet Paranormal Romance by Martha Dunlop

Release: February 21st, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Tanlea Books
Source: Author
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



Only Dylan can see the tiger. Is it real? His muse? Or something else entirely?

Dylan wants to launch a solo music career and move out of the flat he shares with his old school friends. But he feels trapped by his life in Wildly Forest Village. Then a mysterious artist catches his eye, and a white tiger starts appearing only to him. Dylan finally feels things changing. But is this apparition all in his imagination, or is something more magical happening?

Tabitha moved to Wildly Forest to paint the tigers at the zoo. A reclusive young artist with a big reputation, she protects her privacy fiercely. Nobody knows her biggest secret.  When she paints, she astral projects, and her awareness walks like a white tiger. People don’t usually see her tiger form, but she encounters Dylan, and her defenses begin to crumble.

Dylan’s friends aren’t keen on the new girl. And the tiger keeper at the zoo wants Tabitha’s attention for himself. But as the tiger walks, change becomes inevitable for everyone. Can Dylan and Tabitha find their way to love? And will the truth unite them, or will it tear them apart?

About the Author:

Martha is a dreamer and lover of stories who likes nothing better than spending her days exploring the paranormal and intuitive senses and getting to know the characters in her head.

She is a tarot card reader and Reiki Master. She loves to chat, reading, writing, and all things mystical on social media, as well as posting pictures of her fellow pack-member, Bertie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Martha is a fiddle player who fell in love with all kinds of traditional music, but particularly Irish, and is also teaching herself to play the Irish Bouzouki. She played her way through her English degree at York and remembered that time as much for the music as the books.

Martha started her working life in PR because she wanted to write, and in the end, she left PR because she wanted to write more. But along the way, she had the opportunity to work with journalists, hone her writing and editing skills and adapt to the many voices she was asked to use.

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Wild Shadow Review:

Wild Shadow” is the second book I read by Martha Dunlop, and it was addictive, just like “The Starfolk Arcana.”

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Before I talk about the plot, I want to mention that I loved the story’s underlying theme. I thought the author spoke about preserving the Tigers’ wildlife and ways to expand the habit beautifully. It is essential to understand the process behind maintaining a sanctuary for wild (and nearly extinct) animals. The author conveys the importance of these topics in an attractive manner without side-tracking from the tale.

Moreover, I loved the characters! Dylan is lovely in the lead as he tries to connect with Tabitha and build a name for himself. For instance, I thought the author realistically wrote him as he tries to get away from the band. The author also wrote the romance between Dylan and Tabitha in a charming way. Some of the memorable moments are the song lyrics that Dylan writes thinking of her. At the same time, even Tabitha is the mysterious newbie in town with a secret. I loved the scenes where Dylan initially sees the tiger and doesn’t know if he is going crazy.

Even the supporting characters like Linden, GJ, and Rachel are unforgettable! I adored Rachel and wanted to see more of her. She brought an aura of optimism and positivity, which even lightened my mood. Similarly, Max is sleazy and someone you love to hate.

However, there are some moments where I would have liked more information. For instance, I wanted to know more about Tabitha’s relation with her parents, as they felt rocky at times. Similarly, I thought Ursula and Sophie were fascinating and would love to hear more of them.

But apart from that, “Wild Shadow” is a sweet, paranormal romance, which I enjoyed a lot.


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