Wilson indeed!

Wilson indeed! by Steve Walsh

Release: November 29th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sin Embargo
Source: Zooloo Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Kindle, Amazon USB&N



In The Market Square, the fantastical setting for all his dream activities, Wilson Armitage is able to take night classes on any subject and absorb a wealth of knowledge from just a few hours of sleep.  As though logging into a wifi of dreams to download information.  As his childhood passes, both wary of and reticent to acknowledge his extraordinary ability, Wilson attempts to lead a normal life and stay beneath the radar of family and friends.

At the age of seventeen however, Daisy Meadowcroft blows his cover.  During a chance encounter in The Market Square, they agree to meet the next day and propel from a dream world into the reality of a coffee shop in the centre of Manchester.  Enthralled by their shared gift, they strike up a close friendship and encourage each other to seek a rational, scientific explanation for their unique talents.

About the Author:

For twenty years Steve Walsh honed his skills in prose as an advertising copywriter; the ‘ideas’ man in a Manchester based marketing agency that carried his name.

In the late 1990’s he stumbled into the world of the dotcom entrepreneur and his claim to fame is as the creator of the hotel booking service, laterooms.com and the first car insurance comparison site, easycover.com. 

He now uses his vivid imagination and gentle Mancunian wit to write visionary fantasy novels with bold concepts. Wilson indeed, the first book in his trilogy The WiFi of Dreams takes the reader on a richly imagined, fact meets fiction adventure story to which we can relate and feel we can touch. A whimsical interrogation of the inexplicable and fundamental tenets of our lives – the role and meaning of dreams, the nature of the hereafter, hard and soft science, a love story – what more can you want? 

Butterfly Assassins, the second book in the trilogy, is   due in Summer 2021. Steve Welsh’s birth and growth was from north west of England. Also, he has three children and likes to fly fish in his spare time.

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Wilson indeed! Review:

“Wilson indeed” is a unique story, unlike anything I had read before, and I enjoyed it a lot!

Firstly, I would like to commend the author for coming up with such a creative tale. From the beginning, you are fascinated by Wilson, who appears to be a prodigy of some sort. He learns fluent French instantly and can paint a masterpiece, to name a few, just in school. You immediately get a sense that Wilson will do something great and profound in the story.

It is also interesting how the author portrayed Wilson’s inner conflicts and wanted to be a normal kid. Moreover, I also adored Wilson’s parents Alex and Gloria, because of their support towards him. Although they found him different from other children, they never demotivated him or told him to act differently.

The author takes the story in a creative, imaginative manner, where we see Wilson finding out more about the Morphic Fields. I loved the idea of meeting someone in your dreams and communicating with them using that state as a channel. The author also nicely adds in some humor, and I found myself chuckling when Wilson meets Big Mac and Shortcake. The second half of the story had me utterly engrossed as Wilson and Daisy search for Vanessa. On a side note, I also enjoyed the scenes between Daisy and Wilson as they go on the Ferris wheel and learn more about the Market Square. The author also ends the story in a bitter-sweet manner that makes you look forward to the second book.

Overall, “Wilson indeed” is a fascinating story of friendship, love, and loss, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Book Tour Schedule

Wilson indeed!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Wilson indeed! by Steve Walsh Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo Book Tours



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