Windswept by Annabelle McCormack

Windswept by Annabelle McCormack

Release: September 21, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Annabelle McCormack
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



A British nurse in WWI Egypt races to deliver explosive intelligence that could change the course of the war in this novel of suspense, adventure, and love.

May, 1917. Ginger Whitman left a life of wealth and privilege in England to train as a battlefield nurse and serve in the Great War. Working on the brutal frontlines in Palestine, she finds a wounded soldier hiding in her camp. The soldier claims to carry intelligence unmasking a secret plot against the British—and that traitors within British intelligence are searching for him. Desperate and dying, the soldier entrusts a coded message to her care.

Ginger is hurled into an unfamiliar world of intrigue and murder amidst the war-ravaged Arabian desert. She’s determined to help her country but trusting the wrong person could cost her life. Then the arrival of mysterious and handsome British intelligence officer Major Noah Benson offers a chance of help. But Noah may be as dangerous as he is charming. As she’s swept away by stolen moments on the desert sands, Ginger realizes her heart may also be at risk.

Hunted by a shadowy enemy spy, Ginger must decide if she can trust Noah. But as she grapples with her decision, Ginger makes a shocking discovery: a sinister secret that threatens to shatter the world she thought she knew.

About the Author:

Annabelle McCormack writes historical women’s fiction with epic settings, adventure, and romance. Her debut book Windswept, a novel about a British WWI nurse in the Middle East caught in a dangerous web of intrigue and romance, will be published September 2021.

Anna was born in San Jose, Costa Rica to a Costa Rican mother and American father. She moved to the US at the age of 4, but remains fully bilingual in English and Spanish. She studied at the Johns Hopkins University, where she obtained a Master of Arts in Fiction in 2010. Afterward, she dedicated herself to her photography business, while continuing to work on her

writing as a long-term goal. In 2018, she received the award for Best Novel at the 2018 Red Sneaker’s Writer Conference (now Writer-Con). She lives in Maryland with her husband and five children and writes as a staff blogger for Inkitt Writer’s Blog. 

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Windswept Review:

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“Windswept” swept me away right from the first page, and I could not put it down.

The author has an exquisite writing style, and her narrative made me connect to the characters from the beginning. The story has everything you look for in historical fiction, from romance to drama, with thrills and adventure.

I loved Ginger in the lead! She is what I envision a perfect heroine to be in such a novel. She goes through many emotions in the story, from her scenes with Ahmed to her encounters with Noah. On the one hand, she needs to deal with the horrors she witnessed as a nurse. On the other hand, she gets entangled in a complicated love relationship with someone likely to break her heart. If this is not enough, she also has to deal with her family, like her father and Henry. Throughout the saga, the author takes us on a trip from Palestine to Egypt, where Ginger witnesses events that shape her as a person. I loved the various nuances the author brought to her character. Some moments also shocked me, like when the soldier rips her skirt, and my heart went out for her.

Moreover, I loved the romance between Ginger and Noah. I was rooting for them throughout the tale. The author also gives us a few surprising twists and turns when she introduces additional characters to conflict their relationship. On a side note, the intense storyline involving Ahmed also riveted me. Even the supporting characters like Beatrice and Henry added nicely to the story.

Overall, “Windswept” is a magnificent book to read. If you want a story of love, heartache, betrayal set against the backdrop of the Great War, you should read this!

Blog Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Windswept by Annabelle McCormack Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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