Written in Blood

Written in Blood by Chris Carter

Release: July 23rd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK
Source: Random Things Tour
Find it at: Amazon



Los Angeles, December 4th – exactly three weeks until Christmas day.  Angela Wood, a master in the art of pickpocket, has just finished for the day – six hundred and eighty-seven dollars – not bad for less than fifteen minutes work.

As she celebrates her profitable day with a cocktail, one of the patrons in the lounge she’s in catches her attention by being rude to an old man.  Hence, Angela decides to teach him a lesson, and steals the man’s expensive-looking leather bag.

Inside is no money … no laptop computer … nothing of any value … at least not to Angela. Just a black, leather-bound book, surprisingly heavy.  Curiosity takes over and in the comfort of her apartment, Angela quickly leafs through the pages.

That is when the worst nightmare of her life begins.
This is no ordinary book.

About the Author:

Born in Brazil of Italian origin, Chris Carter studied psychology and criminal behaviour at the University of Michigan. As a member of the Michigan State District Attorney’s Criminal Psychology team, he interviewed and studied many criminals, including serial and multiple homicide offenders with life imprisonment convictions. He now lives in London.

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Written in Blood Review:

I have not read any of Chris Carter’s books and I honestly feel like I have missed out on so much. I can’t express how much I enjoyed reading “Written in Blood”. Even though it is nearly 500 pages, I could not put it down. I read it in one sitting for 5 hours and was glued to every page. The story is gripping and intense, and one of the best crime fiction/thrillers I have read recently.

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What can I say about the author’s writing? The style is simple, yet engaging. The characters are a bit cliched, but so entertaining. Moreover, the basic premise is nothing new, but it feels so fresh. The author tells the story in such a wonderful and meticulous manner. I loved every minute of it.

The highlight of the story is the serial killer. It is a cat and mouse game, and I don’t think I have read of a serial killer so unique. He is not scared of the law or authority. Also, there is no pattern to his murders, and like Hunter, I couldn’t figure out his motive. It was so interesting to see how Hunter tries to lock-down this person.

As this is my first read of the series, I loved Hunter as the main character. I was fascinated to see how he uses his psychological skills to pin down what others cannot see. Moreover, I loved Angela! She is feisty but funny, and I like her relationship with Hunter. Am I the only one who wants her to be more than a friend for him? I can’t wait to catch up on this series.

Overall, “Written in Blood” was just perfect for the genre, and I LOVED reading it!

Blog Tour

Written in Blood

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Written in Blood by Chris Carter Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tour.


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