Your Turn to Suffer by Tim Waggoner

Your Turn to Suffer

Your Turn to Suffer by Tim Waggoner

Release: March 23rd, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Flame Tree Press
Source: Publisher
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&NiBooks, KoboTBD,



“His ability to weave the surreal with the hyper-real is his greatest talent.” — Signal Horizon.

A sinister group calling themselves The Cabal harasses Lorelai Palumbo. They accuse her of having committed unspeakable crimes in the past, and now she must pay. The Cabal begins taking her life apart from one piece at a time – her job, her health, the people she loves – and she must try to figure out what The Cabal thinks she’s done if she’s to have any hope of answering their charges and salvaging her life.

FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018, the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established award winners and exciting, original voices.

About the Author:

Tim Waggoner’s first novel came out in 2001, and since then, he’s published close to fifty novels and seven collections of short stories. He writes original dark fantasy and horror, as well as media tie-ins. His novels include Like Death, considered a modern classic in the genre, the popular Nekropolis series of urban fantasy novels, and The Mouth of the Dark and They Kill, both published by Flame Tree Press.

In 2017 he received the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction, and he’s been a multi-finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award and the Scribe Award. His fiction has received numerous Honorable Mentions in volumes of Best Horror of the Year, and in 2016, the Horror Writers Association honored him with the Mentor of the Year Award. In addition to writing, he’s also a full-time tenured professor who teaches creative writing and composition at Sinclair College.

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Your Turn to Suffer Review:

Tim Waggoner is easily one of my favorites for a good horror read! After reading “They Kill” and “The Mouth of the Dark,” “Your Turn to Suffer” did not disappoint.

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What I love about the author’s style is how he gets his characters to step away from their element. You think you know the characters well, but then they get possessed to do all sorts of unspeakable things. This book had many such moments when Lori encounters Melinda, Katie, and Brian. Brian is someone who terrified me towards the end. I did not expect him to become prominent of all the characters, but it worked so well.

Similarly, the woman with the goat eyes and the shadowy man is terrifying, and the story gave me the creeps. Moreover, while I initially did not concern about Larry and Justin, my heart went out to them later. While this is primarily a horror novel, I did go through various emotions. I also loved Edgar! Although he appears briefly, he was memorable!

Furthermore, the author also keeps the story fresh, and there is never a dull moment. The story starts with a bang as Lori witnesses the car crash with Neil from the getgo. From then on, the author maintains the momentum as Lori journeys into The Nightway and meets spine-tingling characters like Driver, Rauch, and Haruspex. Also, one of the terrifying moments of the story is when Rauch brainwashes Maureen into doing the horrific act. I don’t think I will forget that scene ever!

Overall, “Your Turn to Suffer” is probably my favorite from all of his works, and I hope he continues to write many more!

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