Being Small by Lori Orlinsky

Being Small

Being Small by Lori Orlinsky

Release: April 16, 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Mascot Books, Inc.
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
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Being small is the worst! No one ever picks me for their sports team and my feet hurt from standing on my tiptoes all the time.  There can’t be anything good about being small…right? Being Small is a picture book about a little girl who is scared to go to school because she’s the shortest kid in the class. She talks about all of the reasons that being short is a challenge, but her mother presents to her funny and unique advantages that only she has because of her height, instilling self-confidence in her.

This book is a must-read for any child who has ever fallen behind the curve on the growth chart.

About the Author:

Lori Orlinsky is a multi award-winning children’s book author, freelance writer, and marketing director who lives in Chicago. Besides, Lori is the mother of two little ladies who are small but mighty. Also, Lori is certified by the CDC in Bullying Prevention and Response Training, and is an Ambassador for the National Bullying Prevention Center. At 5″1, she wishes her children’s picture book “Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All),” was around when she was growing up. Lori’s books are published by Mascot Books.

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Being Small Review:

This is such a cute and inspirational story that boosts confidence in children. I recommended this book to my friend’s children and they also loved it.

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As children start growing up and discover the world, they also start to notice flaws in themselves to fit in. The girl feels insecure because she is shorter than others her age. She doesn’t want others to judge and make fun of her. However, the author beautifully spins the tale to change her perspective. Moreover, each page is told in the form of a poem that made the tale adorable.

Similarly, the illustrations by Vanessa Alexandre makes the story stand out in a beautiful way. Each page has striking colors and charming illustrations that make the story memorable. They are simple and easy to look at, but the characters look so adorable with their big eyes and smiling faces.

Also, this is one of those stories which I feel a person of any age would enjoy and relate to. As a person who has always been tall, I used to have the exact opposite issue of when people used to push me to the back of the line and for class photos. It’s refreshing to see a children’s tale address such topics.

I hope the author continues to release similar stories and make this into a series. I would love to read such stories to my loved ones for people who are tall, fat, skinny, or face other concerns. Overall, this is an adorable book that I would recommend to anyone who feels like their child lacks confidence in their appearance.


1 winner will win a signed copy of BEING SMALL (ISN’T SO BAD AFTER ALL), US Only.

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Being Small

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Being Small by Lori Orlinsky Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule
Week One:

The Momma Spot-Review-10-12-2020
@future_bookworms & @thamommaspot-Instagram Stop-10-12-2020
Little Red Reads-Review-10-13-2020
Westveil Publishing-Review-10-13-2020
Betwixt the Pages-Review-10-14-2020
For the Love of KidLit-Guest Post-10-14-2020
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-10-15-2020
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Stop-10-15-2020
BookHounds ya-Review-10-16-2020
BookHounds ya-Instagram Stop-10-16-2020

Week Two:

Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-10-19-2020
Two Chicks on Books-Review/ Guest Post-10-19-2020
mycornerforbooksand-Instagram Stop/Review-10-20-2020
JaimeRockstarBookTours-Instagram Post-10-20-2020
Seeing Double In Neverland-Review-10-21-2020
Seeing Double In Neverland-Instagram Stop-10-21-2020
Savings in Seconds-Review-10-22-2020
Savings in Seconds-Review-10-22-2020
Momfluenster-Instagram Stop/Review-10-23-2020

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