Lost and Found by Ronald L. Ruiz

Lost and Found

Lost and Found by Ronald L. Ruiz

Release:  June 30th,2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Embajadoras Press
Source: iRead Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



When community leaders began to doubt Abel Mendoza, the law practice he had spent years building began to crumble. It was the 1960s and there was but a handful of Mexican lawyers in California. Abel had worked tirelessly to earn respect in the courts, avoiding any semblance of a personal life to achieve his goals. Now, his personal and professional lives had collided and he found himself being rejected by the community that had previously supported and admired him.

His fears of inadequacy kindled, Abel began to question who he really was, what he did, and where he belonged. A desire to avoid these questions and the people who had provoked them sent this small-town lawyer on a trip to escape not only his community but his own self-doubts, and into a relationship that changed his life completely.

About the Author:

​Ronald L. Ruiz is the author of a memoir and six previous novels. His novel Giuseppe Rocco (1998) received the national literary prize, 1998 Premio Aztlán Award, and his novel Life Long (2017) was named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2017.

Publisher’s Weekly, featured review compared his work to Richard Wright’s Native Son  and his writing described as “frighteningly real” (New York Newsday). Ron was born and raised in Fresno, California, and educated at St. Mary’s College, University of California, Berkeley Law, and University of San Francisco School of Law.

Ron practiced law for over 30 years in California, as a Deputy District Attorney, criminal defense attorney, and Deputy Public Defender. He was appointed to the California Agriculture Labor Relations Board by Governor Jerry Brown in 1974, and later served as the District Attorney of Santa Cruz County, California. Ron retired from criminal law and continues to write every day.

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Lost and Found Review:

“Lost and Found” is a fascinating tale about the life of a man and his role in practicing law, and I liked it!

The first thing that struck me about the story was how the author wrote Abel. As soon as Abel enters the picture and chats with Alejandro, you feel protective towards him. Secondly, I enjoyed how the author writes some exciting events in the story that change your character’s perspective. For instance, I adored Al Hunsaker and how supportive he was with Abel like a friend and father figure. However, there are moments where you also get shocked by Al’s perception of things. The author also adds layers to Abel’s character, where he is unsure if he is doing the right thing and looks for Al’s advice.

Moreover, I enjoyed the trial between Carlos vs. Jaime in the first half of the story. The author brilliantly brings the courtroom’s life to the tale, where you feel like you are witnessing the events closely. I also enjoyed the flashbacks where Abel interviews Jaime’s family and learns about his history and the circumstances that led to it. There are also some shocking moments, like when Jaime sees Carlos stabbing the two boys.

However, I felt like the story shifted tangent towards the second half and disconnected from the story’s first half. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoyed the book overall. However, the book’s first half dealt with a riveting court case trial, whereas the second half meandered with Abel and his whirlwind relationship with Sarah. I wish the author had blended both these elements more seamlessly, as I felt as though I was reading two stories.

Apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Lost and Found” and was keen to read some of the author’s previous works.


Win signed copy of Ronald L. Ruiz’s LOST AND FOUND (one winner/USA only) (ends Oct 15)

LOST AND FOUND Book Tour Giveaway

Lost and Found

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Lost and Found by Ronald L. Ruiz Blog Tour hosted by iRead Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

27th Sep – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
28th Sep – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
28th Sep – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
29th Sep – Kam’s Place – book spotlight / author interview
30th Sep – Rajiv’s Reviews – book review / giveaway
1st Oct – Just Another Reader – book review
 5th Oct – wottaread – book spotlight / author interview
6th Oct – Books for Books – book review
6th Oct – @twilight_reader – book review
 7th Oct – Review Thick & Thin – book review / author interview
7th Oct – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
8th Oct – Adventurous Jessy – book review / giveaway

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