Stealing Greenwich by Brittany Geragotelis

Stealing Greenwich

Stealing Greenwich by Brittany Geragotelis

Release: October 6th 2020 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Pixel+ink
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&NKobo



A girl who has lived as an international thief is now returning to the real world.

Frankie Lorde and her dad have been a team for as long as Frankie can remember. Being a tutor under the man responsible for some of the world’s biggest heists has given Frankie a unique perspective on the world. And a special set of life skills. Frankie can spot an FBI agent in a second. Pick a lock in two seconds. Steal a Bugatti in three. Then dad is arrested.

Frankie is sent to live with her uncle, her dad’s brother who she barely knows, and is, ironically a cop. Now Frankie has to go to middle school, learn what suburban kids wear and eat. But also ironically, Frankie is in Greenwich, CT, one of the richest towns in America. Seeing the starkness of super rich and the super not rich who support the community gives Frankie an idea. How to use her skills for doing good, to even the score…

About the Author:

Brittany Geragotelis is living the dream. After 10 years of rejection from the publishing industry, she began to post her original novel, Life’s a Witch, on the online writing site, Wattpad, hoping that others would enjoy reading her book. A year after the first upload, the book had received 19 million reads, which caught the attention of Publisher’s Weekly, The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

After building up some buzz in the industry, she hooked up with her agents who instantly received interest from publishers and movie/tv producers. Within weeks, Life’s a Witch went into auction between four major publishing houses, and in the end Brittany landed a 3-book deal with publishing powerhouse, Simon & Schuster.

When she’s not writing, Brittany is obsessing over celebrities, TV shows, movies, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, gluten-free food and, of course, books! Brittany lives in NYC with her boyfriend and her two cats, Murray and Cohen..

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Stealing Greenwich Review:

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What a fun story “Stealing Greenwich” turned out to be! I’ve never read a middle-grade heist novel before, and this book was super fun!

Firstly, I loved how the author made the story adventurous and exciting yet light-hearted at the same time. The events that occur are thrilling, yet the characters are so endearing that they balanced perfectly with the plot. Some of my favorite moments in the story were when Frankie and Ollie go to scope Christian Miles’s house and what they find there. I laughed so much when Ollie talks to Mrs. Bailey.

Frankie is terrific in the lead. She is crafty, intelligent, confident, and not scared to try something new. I loved how conflicted her feelings are to do the right thing, even if her approach towards it is not. It was interesting to see how she managed with Uncle Scotty after working with her father for so long. Moreover, I loved her friendship with Ollie. Ollie is hilarious as the flamboyant sidekick, and I loved the snarky responses he gave her for coming relief.

The only criticism I had of the tale is how the author spent the first time setting up the characters and the storyline. The first half of the story is still fun, but it focuses on Frankie settling down. The actual heist action takes place only in the second half, which made the story memorable. Nevertheless, the entire book is entertaining and ends on a promising note.

Overall, “Stealing Greenwich” is an excellent start to “The Infamous Frankie Lorde” series, and I cannot wait to read the next installment.


Giveaway Details:

3 winners will win a finished copy of GOING WILD, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Going Wild

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Going Wild by Brittany Geragotelis Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Kait Plus Books-Guest Post-7-26-2021
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Guest Post-7-26-2021
BookHounds YA -Excerpt-7-27-2021
BookHounds-Instagram Post-7-27-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-7-28-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Post-7-28-2021
More Books Please blog-Review-7-29-2021
More Books Please blog-Instagram Post-7-29-2021
The Phantom Paragrapher-Review-7-30-2021
The Phantom Paragrapher-Instagram Post-7-30-2021

Week Two:
Living in a Bookworld-Excerpt-8-2-2021
Lifestyle of Me-Review-8-2-2021
Books and Zebras -Review-8-3-2021
Midnightbooklover-Instagram Post-8-3-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-8-4-2021
The Momma Spot-Instagram Post-8-4-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Guest Post-8-5-2021
Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-8-5-2021
Fire and Ice-Review-8-6-2021
Two Points of Interest-Review-8-6-2021

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